Учебный план
Программа MBA состоит из 16 модулей; 12 модулей являются профильными предметами и одинаковы для всех студентов, остальные 4 модуля основаны на выборе конкретной специализации.
MBA 11 Common Professional Components (only for students without previous Economical educational background)
This course covers a review of the basic fundamentals of business for ACBSP accreditation. It covers the areas of marketing, information systems, business law, management, business math and statistics. Additionally, the course will review economics, business ethics, international business, financial accounting and managerial accounting. Finally, the course will review corporate finance and the strategic management process to prepare students to perform well in the MBA program.
MBA 512 Self-Cultivation for Management
Self-cultivation is the development of one's mind or capacities through one's own efforts. It is a process which refers to the action and effort of keeping the balance between inner and outer selves, and between self and others. This course will teach students the practice of building self-cultivation for the administration of an organization, whether it is a business, a not-for-profit organization, or government body. Through the lens of self-cultivation, students will learn to set the strategy of an organization and to coordinate the efforts of its employees to accomplish its objectives through the application of available resources, such as financial, natural, technological, and human resources.
MBA 514 Leadership, Influence, and Currency of Trust
This course will provide students with a systematic framework for analyzing and influencing business situations. Individual and team identity around culture and global contexts affecting both performance and satisfaction will also be evaluated with particular emphasis upon interpersonal and leadership applications. Additionally, students will learn strategies to cultivate trust as well as to influence adaptive cognition and behavior.
MBA 521 Law and Governing the Modern Business
With the rise of a fast-paced digital age, making US law the international language of business, this course empowers non-lawyer decision-makers with the law and policy insights to fuel sound governance in achieving strategic advantage. Additional topics include structuring contracts, partnering with a legal team, and navigating law to make informed business decisions.
MBA 523 Design Thinking for Innovation
This class helps students gain insight into and apply the design thinking process to facilitate effective problem-solving and the emergence of innovative solutions. The structure of this class is consistent with that of a workshop and follows a hands-on, activity-based approach. Students learn the key phases and building blocks of the design thinking process and how these components interact with one another in a synergistic manner to promote innovation. This class includes a highly practical toolbox that equips students with a set of methods, tools, techniques, and templates that are utilized by leading organizations to ensure success within each phase of design thinking. Emphasis is placed on innovation, which is the primary purpose and dimension of design thinking. To master this concept, students learn about uncovering hidden patterns, cross-pollinating ideas, and engaging in low-risk trial-and-error processes to develop innovative solutions.
MBA 532 Operations and Technology Management
This course focuses on the design, production, and delivery of products and services to satisfy customer needs and to ensure an organizations competitive position. It equips students with the essential tools and strategies to understand the complex processes underlying the use of resources, making trade-offs, and strategically redesigning and/or restructuring operations. Additional topics include process analysis, cross-functional and cross-firm integration, Pproduct development, Information technology, and technology and operations strategy.
MBA 534 Digital Marketing and Analytics
In this course, you will learn to analyze different internal management information to render decisions such as pricing, inventory procurement, make or buy, and production volume. You will also learn to develop budgets and analyze performance against your projections. Your knowledge will be applied while developing the budgets for your business proposal. Presentation of your findings will be emphasized.
MBA 541 Global Political Economy
Global political economics is based on the belief that in order to understand patterns of interaction and change at the global level, it is essential to look at both international politics and economics in an integrated manner. Students will analyze the economic issues of trade, finance, production and development, from the perspective of this intersection. Additional topics include investment and monetary policies, and financial relations. Discussion of developed, developing, and formerly centrally planned nations is also included.
MBA 543 Data-Driven Decision Making
In this course students are introduced to data analytics and its role in business decisions. Students will learn why data is important and how it has evolved, how to outperform competition using data-driven insights and decisions, and ways to leverage data to gain deeper business insights. Additional topics include “Big Data,” defining data-driven vision, goals, and road map.
MBA 548 Financial Reporting and Control
This course focuses on the role of financial accounting principles and processes in creating and reporting an organization’s financial statements. Through the prism of financial accounting, students will gain knowledge of financial and accounting principles to enable them to understand the market in which an organization operates, create and assess value, and communicate decisions to financial stakeholders. Additionally, students will learn to use financial accounting principles to create and/or process an organization’s financial statements and to analyze financial statements to assess an organization’s financial position as well as understand the key financial levers that drive financial performance.
MBA 549 Ethics and Social Impact
Every day, business influences the world around us. This course explores the ethical and social factors, theories, and characteristics that combine to create the formation of different responses to business situations. By analyzing corporate social responsibility and the interconnections between business and our global society, students will define social value, identify and implement strategies to effect change through partnerships between business, government and non-profits, and anticipate and manage inevitable value conflicts.
MBA 551 Entrepreneurship and the Art of Creative Thinkin
This class is designed to familiarize students with the fundamentals of entrepreneurship and the creative process. Students learn about generative contexts, frameworks, methods, and tools that facilitate the development, evaluation, planning, commercialization, and management of innovative solutions. The toolkit offered in this course helps students identify and evaluate the potential of new business opportunities with consideration of market demands and dynamics, customer needs, rivals, and industry attractiveness. Key topics include the entrepreneurial process, environment, challenges, and strategies, opportunity recognition and assessment, design thinking, innovation and entrepreneurship, business models and planning, financing entrepreneurship, creative thinking, sustainability for startups, and emerging trends in entrepreneurship.
MBA 559 Emerging Issues in Strategic Decision Making
This course focuses on strategic decision making as impactful issues emerge, offering students the opportunity to overcome challenges and master a process of strategic decision making which includes a toolkit for analyzing and executing strategic and operational aspects of corporate advantage and competitive dynamics.
Курсы специализации по Глобальному Менеджменту
Специализация Global Management предоставляет студентам углубленный анализ различных типов управления и лидерства, помогает студенту стать универсальным менеджером, который хорошо подготовлен, чтобы преуспеть и успешно решить все проблемы, связанные с постоянно меняющимся мировым рынком.
MC 573 International Business
All businesses need to understand the current international business environment. From a strategic systems perspective, the international market is considered from the viewpoint of competition and emerging opportunities. Internal functional operations need to conform to international requirements with reference to marketing, taxation, finance, management, and labor. This course explores cultural, social and political forces, and governmental regulations that affect strategies and profit.
MC 585 International Human Resource Management
This course covers the optimum organization and employment of human resources to accomplish strategic organizational objectives from a global perspective, with a focus on Europe. Additionally, this course is concerned with the policies and procedures which affect the recruitment, development and deployment of the human resources of firms. The course will address the significant changes which have taken place in this area of management in response to economic and political pressure and will consider policies and practices in various countries.
PM 506 Leading Domestic and Global Teams
Many projects today are managed on a global scale. This scale is very different than the much smaller, and less dynamic, domestic scale. With the expanded global marketplace, a project manager's ability to lead geographically distributed teams has become a critical skill. Successful project managers understand the dynamics of teams - domestic and global - and can deploy necessary strategies, tactics, and situational leadership techniques to build an effective project team. This course focuses on how to build and sustain alignment among team members by focusing on improved coordination, communication, and collaboration among team members regardless of geographical location.
ISEC 500 Cyber Security Overview
This course will provide an overview of cybersecurity management and an understanding of the challenging environment in which it is applied. Students need to understand the entire cybersecurity landscape, including rules, laws, corporate laws and rules, decision-making, working in teams, leadership, and other ways that cybersecurity is changing people and the workplace. The role of technology has also changed about managing and designing a cybersecurity response or policy within a company. The student will learn how to balance technology, risk, risk management, people, and corporate culture to respond to cybersecurity challenges.
Курсы специализации по Mаркетингу
Зная, что только лучший контент будет выделяться в переполненном маркетинговом мире, специализация Маркетинг научит вас использовать компоненты цифрового маркетинга, контент-маркетинга и и управление маркетингом, чтобы решать современные маркетинговые задачи, расширяете свои навыки и знания в широком спектре маркетинговых тем и, таким образом, укрепляете свою карьеру в качестве члена команды, директора по маркетингу или предпринимателя.
Эти курсы готовят студентов к экзамену профессионального сертифицированного маркетолога (PCM). Чтобы подать заявку на сертификат PCM, вы должны сдать экзамен PCM и соответствовать другим требованиям AMA. Для получения дополнительной информации посетите веб-сайт Американской ассоциации маркетинга, www.ama.org/marketing-management-certification.
Leaders require skills to effectively collaborate within a multi-cultural environment, evaluate culturally diverse talent, communicate team goals, and foster global team interactions. To compete globally, leaders need to learn practical leadership strategies for building cohesive, motivated, high-performing, global teams. Students will explore teambuilding strategies effective in virtual and global environments.
MK 526 Strategic Brand Creation and Management
This course introduces students to the concept of brand and branding. This course examines the brand concept, recognizing brand management as a critical component in the development of successful marketing strategies, and execution of effective marketing plans. This course provides understanding of how consumer behavior and customer engagement influences the creation and management of a successful brand, product, or product category. The students in this course explore brand-product strategies, research techniques and analytical processes contributing to the advent and management of effective and successful brand-product strategies. Course emphasis is on utilization of data rather than its collection. This course is designed to build on and apply conceptual tools acquired in MBA 534 and relate them to brand creation and management. Class projects include a team brand building and development project and an individual evaluation of selected domestic and global brand campaigns.
MK 527 Consumer Behavior
This course examines the consumer behavior process and what, when, why, where and how consumers choose products and services. It explores how consumer behavior is influenced by marketers´ actions. The different steps in the consumer behavior process will be evaluated to gain awareness of how various products, services and circumstances can be adapted for managerial decisions on segmentation and positioning. The relationship of consumer behavior to marketing research is addressed promoting clarity in the selection of research methodology, question design and selection and the interpretation and analysis of consumer responses to such questions. Class projects include a team project focused on discovering an unmet consumer need and designing a product and marketing plan to address that a need.
MK 528 Marketing Metrics
This course examines strategic decision models and marketing metrics including channel management issues. The course provides measurement tools for students to understand the decision-making process in driving revenue and results. Market insight, forecasting, data mining, pricing, sales analytics, competitive analysis, and presenting the data are covered in the course. Students will investigate the development of an analytical-based evaluation system for better channel and distribution decisions.
MK 529 Marketing Communications
This course examines theories of integrated marketing communications which includes public relations, social media, mobile, content marketing, traditional print and broadcast media and the influence of integrated marketing communication on marketing strategy and organizational effectiveness. The emphasis is on the relationship between the company objectives and how best to apply integrated marketing to reach their goals. Students will learn the steps in creating an integrated marketing communications plan including creative briefs, message and content development, use of social media, ethics, crisis communication, and management of the integration process.
Курсы по Финансам
Специализация Финансы предоставит знания и навыки, которые помогут вам, как студенту-финансисту и опытному финансисту, преуспеть в этой высококонкурентной среде. Курсы предназначены для того, чтобы вооружить вас всем, с чем финансист сталкивается на практике, и укрепить свои позиции в области управления активами и имущества, инвестиционно-банковских услуг, коммерческого банкинга, консалтинга, вместе с разнообразным спектром карьерных путей в этой области и за ее пределами.
Изучая специализацию «Финансы», вы получите теоретическую основу для сдачи экзамена на Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA). Кандидаты на эти экзамены должны соответствовать дополнительным требованиям экзамена CFP®. Посетите веб-сайт CFP® для получения дополнительной информации, www.cfp.net/get-certified/certification-process.
FIN 551 Quantitative Methods and Economics for Finance
This is the first course in a series of four that will introduce topics relevant to finance and at the same time, prepare students to sit for the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) Level I exam. The course provides a rigorous introduction to quantitative methods for finance, statistics, monetary policy, and business cycles for students intending to study economics and other quantitative fields. Lessons are drawn from time value of money, probability concepts, and common probability distributions. Introductory statistics are reviewed and applied to new applications and advanced modeling techniques.
FIN 553 Capital Management and Fixed Income
In this course students will learn the role of banking in business development and management. From the use of micro‐loans in developing economies, through local and regional service banks, to the role of national and multi‐national institutions, students will learn how banks function. Special topics will include investment banks and the function of institutions such as the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. The global flow of capital, in part facilitated through the back offices of global banks, has tied the world’s economies.
FIN 555 Equity, Derivatives, and Alternatives
This is the third course in a series of four that will introduce topics relevant to finance and at the same time, prepare students to sit for the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) Level I exam. In this course students will learn the role of market organization and structure within companies and industries. This provides details in defining market efficiency, equity securities, derivatives, pricing, valuation, alternative investments, and marketing instruments.
FIN 557 Ethics and Portfolio Management
This is the fourth course in a series of four that will introduce topics relevant to finance and at the same time, prepare students to sit for the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) Level I exam. In this course, students will learn about the code of ethics and trust in the investment profession, global investment performance standards (GIPS), portfolio management, including portfolio risk and return, as well as technical analysis and topics around fintech investment management.
Еще одна специализация в предложении CityU:
Change Leadership Emphasis, Data Analytics Emphasis, Entrepreneurship Emphasis, Human Resource Management Emphasis, Lean Six Sigma, Management Accounting Emphasis, Project Management Emphasis, Public Accounting Emphasis, Specialized Study Emphasis, Supply Chain Management Emphasis, Technology Management Emphasis.
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