Year 2012
XVth International Scientific Conference on Human Capital and Financial Management
24 and 25 September 2012
University of Finance and Administration, Prague
The preliminary comment on the miscellany of the XVth International Scientific Conference on Human Capital and Financial Management
Basic information
The XVth year of the International Scientific Conference was held on 24 and 25 September 2012 in Prague. A record number of international scholars participated in the workshop and in the conference. The conference was attended by experts from the Algiers, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iran, Italy, Mexico, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Taiwan and Turkey. In total, there were 52 participants fron the Cech Republic and 51 partiucipant from another 18 countrieas. The schollars have presented 42 research papers.
The conference consisted of the ERSJ Workshop focused on the Financial Management and Economics of Health and Pension Plan Systems (the first day) and subsequent presentations focussing on Human Capital and Investment in Education (the second day).
The University of Piraeus, the partner of the conference, and Prof. Thalassinos Eleftherios personally significantly contributed to the broad international participation. Effective coordination, broad international participation and the successful course of the conference opened the way to a fruitful collaboration in the field of management and reforms of crucially important areas of society.
The importance of these areas grows in proportion to the position and importance of human capital in current economy. This concerns in particular the area of health care, education and old age pensions. During the previous years it became apparent that these reforms are interconnected and their course also revealed numerous difficulties encountered. The XIVth year showed specific ways of how to implement the necessary reforms in order to strengthen the public confidence in the need for these reforms and to bring positive benefits in terms of greater equality of opportunities, possibilities to achieve better education and better long-term application of acquired skills. The broad international participation and presented experience of different conditions given by the economic level, history and cultural traditions of different countries opened the way to recognition of what is generally valid and crucial to the success of reforms, including the possibility of international cooperation on specific projects.