EPHEC International Marketing Week in Belgium

EPHEC International Marketing Week in Belgium


Two second year Marketing Communication students at the University of Finance and Administration, Anar Kabdylova and Kamilla Zakirbayeva, had the opportunity to participate in the International Marketing Week together with PhDr. Karel Eliáš, CSc., head of English Study Program.

This event took place at the EPHEC University College in Louven-la-Neuve, Belgium from 26th to 31st March, 2017. EPHEC is a long-term VSFS Erasmus partner and thanks to the collaboration between the universities, VSFS students are able to participate in this event every year as well as having the chance to study for a semester as an Erasmus student too.

The theme of the 10th International Marketing Week was “Feel like designing and creating a trendy packaging for an innovative start-up?” There were 3 companies involved; Les Mac a Oli, Misuko, and Nina-Nina. Specifically, the competition aims to promote research and innovation in eco-packaging, creating concepts and then showcasing the designs. Students worked in international teams to carry this out and create the packaging. In addition to work sessions, during the week they attended lectures held by international teachers from universities around Europe.

To summarize, it was a great experience which will definitely be beneficial in future study. According to the students, they have gained a lot of insight into issues such as sustainable packaging, climate change and recycling. As a result, students won some wonderful prizes and were very content with the work they produced.