VSFS hosts a visit from City University of Seattle

VSFS hosts a visit from City University of Seattle


Mr. Antonio Esqueda Flores, M.Ed., Assistant Provost for International Education from our most significant partner university City University of Seattle is visiting our university in these days. The aim of his visit is further strengthening and expanding of cooperation between our schools.  Topics like mobility of the students and staff, shared CityU marketing programmes being offered by VSFS and the effectiveness of direct collaboration between our schools will be discussed during the visit.


The visit also corresponds with the CityU effort to reinforce its position within the USA (incorporation into National University System) and also strengthen its  relations with branches worldwide. VSFS has been collaborating with CityU  since 2002 not only in the form of providing study programmes of MBA and BSBA, but also organizing summer and winter schools and teachers/students exchanges.


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