Summer school 2015 - International conference

Summer school 2015 - International conference


Yesterday, 21st July 2015 students of Summer school 2015 took a part in the International conference at The University of Finance and Administration. During a busy but very interesting day students of Mexico and Thailand listened presentations of The Ambassador of Mexico in Prague Mr. Pablo Macedo, founder of Czech website and member of non-profit organization AFS Intercultural programs Mr. Lukas Jandac. Students also listened presentation about Marketing and PR from City University of Seattle instructor Mr. Ciaran Kelly, also the General Manager CZ/SK of Zepter International. The last but not least presentation was delivered by Mr. Efrain Pardo from the Czech-Mexican Chamber of Commerce.

Being globally recognized is, without any questions, very important in today’s business life. Students of Summer school 2015 are surely making steps towards global recognition together with The University of Finance and Administration and the international Summer school program.