VŠFS celebrating a success in research

VŠFS celebrating a success in research


A few days ago, as every yeear, the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic (GA CR) announced results of the public tender in research, experimental development and innovations.

It is a matter of high prestige and competition, as all Czech research organizations - universities, work places of Akademie věd ČR (Academy of Science) apply for a grant for their research projects from this agency. Therefore, we can regard a great success that two projects, submitted by the pedagogues of the Department of Finance, got the grant. The projects are called „International transfer of shocks within microfinance relations“ (developed by Luboš Komárek) and „Post-crisis bank regulation and its impact on economic activities in a small-scale export oriented economy“ (developed by Jan Frait). Our doctorands are involved in both of these projects. VŠFS has also become partially involved in the project „ Changes in the way of life and modernization processes in the microregion Hlučínsko“ (UP Olomouc , co-developed by František Zich, the Department of Sociology). All projects need to be solved within three years (2013 – 2015).