VŠFS dressed the statues of Prague

VŠFS dressed the statues of Prague


Today our university initiated a non-traditional campaign to support the education among young people. With the headline „Do you want to have your own statue? Then study!“ teams consisting of students, graduates and VŠFS employees dressed the selected statues.

This event has been focused mainly on young potential students and has tried to address even those people, who are still hesitating to apply for the university due to their failure at the first round of state A-level exams. It is a unique event not only because it is addressing the focused group of people in streets but also because it is also our students and graduates participating in it greatly. We dressed the statues of Prague 2 around Náměstí Míru and Karlovo náměstí, and also in the area of Náměstí Kinských in Prague 5. For the whole morning our students and emloyees stood by the statues and took turns at giving all the detatils to those who were interested in this event. For more detatils see our facebook.

Report of TV METROPOL (approx. from 13:20)