Czech Ministry of Public Health - Extraordinary Regulation - Students´ Attendance

Czech Ministry of Public Health - Extraordinary Regulation - Students´ Attendance


With reference to recent extraordinary regulation adopted by Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic, received by VSFS on 16 April 2020, please be informed that school premises remain closed for students (both for learning sessions and examinations) under Act No. 111/1998 Sb. on universities and amendment of other acts (the Universities Act) as amended, VSFS students may individually visit the library in order to get or return books and study materials. Students of senior years in Bachelor (3rd year) and Master (2nd year) programmes are allowed to come to school for consulting sessions or examinations (maximum 5 people present). We are now compiling detailed instructions about personal visits in the library and school premises. The instructions will be available in the university information system and in your email inboxes next week.

Cash desk in Estonská building is open for students, however, the Student Department and other university departments should still be contacted only by telephone or email.

Dear students, please keep following the virtual learning sessions!