Getting inspired in the USA: Interview with an MBA graduate

Getting inspired in the USA: Interview with an MBA graduate


Jan Knotek, an MBA graduate from our institution, recently spent six months at our partner school, City University of Seattle. Jan chose this MBA program and exchange opportunity based on a recommendation from a friend at VŠFS, with the goal of starting his own business. Although not all of his expectations were met, Jan thoroughly enjoyed his time in the USA, gaining valuable experiences that will contribute to his future business ventures and personal development. 

Jan, can you tell me why did you decide to spend part of your studies in Seattle?

I wanted to experience the education system in a foreign country, improve my English, and explore work opportunities abroad.


What were your expectations for this journey? 

I expected to be part of an American university experience like in the movies. I was hoping for a great experience in terms of meeting new people and improving my speaking skills.


Did your experience at CityU match your expectations of an American university as portrayed in the movies? Were your expectations met?

I feel I improved my English, and overall, it was a great experience. However, the university was smaller than I expected and had many international students, which was not what I had hoped for. The photos I saw before coming to the US led me to expect a different kind of university, and others I spoke to had similar expectations.


Did the US leave a good impression on you? Was there anything that surprised you about life in the US, university life, or cultural aspects?

Not really, as I had spent some time in the US before and was familiar with the culture. The only things that surprised me were the number of homeless people and the large presence of liberal and LGBTQ supporters.


Even though you had visited the US before, was there anything you were concerned about before moving there for your studies?

No, I was pretty confident that I would be fine.


That's great to hear. Can you share your best and worst experiences from this journey?

The best experience was travelling around the US with a group of friends. On the other hand, dealing with extremely liberal people who argued with me and others in the group was one of the less pleasant experiences.


Would you recommend this experience to others?

I would, 100 %.


Do you have any recommendations for cool places to visit in Seattle or the state of Washington?

I didn't like the city that much, but the nature in Washington State is breathtaking.


What type of accommodation did you choose, and why?

I lived in a Cornish Commons (note: shared university dormitory). Apart from the presence of students from Cornish University, the rooms were nice and clean. I hoped to be part of the school community, but CityU students were a minority in Cornish. However, during one quarter, the floor was pretty full, which was nice.


How was the American student life? Were there any events organized for students?

Not many.


I hope you still had a great time in Seattle and at CityU. Did you have opportunities to meet any interesting or inspiring people, make new friends from the US or around the world? If so, please describe the impact they had on you.

I mainly interacted with people from Europe and Asia, as there were many at the university. It was a bit disappointing not to be surrounded by more Americans, but the European crew definitely inspired me in terms of travel, habits, and motivation.


In conclusion, is there anything else you would like to add? :) 

I would like to thank the MBA and BSBA team of International Department at VSFS for helping me with this experience.


Thank you so much, Jan, for sharing your experiences and insights with us. It's clear that your time in Seattle, while different from what you initially expected, has been a valuable chapter in your personal and professional journey.

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