Updated information how the University operates

Updated information how the University operates


Updated information how the University operates

Life at the University has not stopped during the emergency and under extraordinary measures imposed by the Czech government. Since the first day the learning has been carried out online - first the lectures and seminars, and since 14 October 2020 the consultation sessions as well. From this week onward all lectures will be recorded and till the end of the Winter Semester saved in the Documents server of the University Information System accessible by students only. 

Czech Government Resolution No. 1022 of 12 October 2020 has made any personal attendance of students at universities (VSFS included) forbidden except for exams. However, there are still places where the staff is ready to see the students personally in their office hours: the Student Department, Cash Desk, VSFS textbook shop and the Library. We also appreciate we could have sent invitations to students for the final state examinations in November that are still allowed to be attended personally. At least one significant part of the academic life stays in its traditional way.

Please check regularly your university email box for important notifications and updates.