The accredited three-year bachelor´s study program is structured as a field of study with legal basis, providing information and knowledge of criminal law, criminalistics, criminology and forensic science. Expert guarantor of this field and Director of the Institute of Criminalistics and Forensic Disciplines at VŠFS, Prof. Jiří Straus, leading Czech criminologist and forensic bio-mechanic adds: „We have prepared an attractive, interesting and unique field with an extensive study structure of criminalistics and forensic disciplines.“
It is possible to apply for this field of study; the program will start next academic year, i.e. in October 2015. The study will offer theoretical knowledge as well as analyses of particular case studies; students will acquire specific skills in criminalistics techniques of discovery and preservation of the prints at the crime scene, basic interrogation tactics, recognition, reconstructions and they will acquire certain skills in investigating criminal offences. During the study, students will become familiar with basic theoretical terms related to criminalistics and their significance in the criminal practice. They will learn to apply theoretical knowledge of criminalistic traces and criminal identification in the criminal practice. The study will define the most frequent criminalistic-technical and criminalistic-tactical methods, their detailed explanation, and stress their significance in the criminal practice. Students will understand how to apply these methods in respective criminal cases. Legal subjects will provide students with very good basic knowledge of substantive and procedural criminal law.
The study structure of criminalistics and forensic disciplines is most extensive and detailed in this field; at no other college in the Czech Republic, whether state or public, is the study program of criminalistics prepared with such extensive and top-quality contents, as in the field of study accredited at our university.
For more details about the study program, please click here. Prof. Straus concludes: „If you are interested in criminalistics and forensic sciences, come and study at the top school, offering lectures given by the best tutors in the Czech Republic…in particular by the best criminalist–pedagogues."