The VŠFS Football Cup won this year by players of FC Pražský Mnichovice

The VŠFS Football Cup won this year by players of FC Pražský Mnichovice


On Friday, April 19, 2013 our university held the second annual football tournament which was last year successfully incorporated into the portfolio of regular activities of VŠFS. This tournament, during which the school tries to present the environment of the building in Estonská and inviting leisure time activites to secondary schools students, became a „shopping window“ of Bohemians Praha 1905, the general partner of the tournament. In the nearby hall of TJ Sokol Praha Vršovice the twelve teams could watch the ceremonial kickoff by Antonín Panenka, a legend of the Czech football. He bravely took this role despite his current indisposition of walking on crutches:)

The busy pragramme contained 34 matches, thus each team played minimally five times. Soon potential prize winners showed out of six member teams. In both groups, A and B, confident teams appeared, out of which, surprisingly, there was a VŠFS team. You could see the improved quality of play on the ground compared to the last year. The play was faster, acts were full of sense, shots were precisely directed or at least they were hard and long. Some individual performances were worth „Messi“ and even weaker players were moving on the playground relatively naturally. The tournament did not miss even an emotional fit of rage which was successfully settled and only proved that the whole game was very lively!

And how did it end up? The situation in the group B was quite clear after the first third of played matches and the two proceeding favourites were the teams of SOŠ Jarov and VŠFS. The standing did not change even after the team of Bosco withdrew due to several injuries. It is worth mentioning the brave performance of the team of Bankovní Akademie the players of which showed some good teamwork. The situation in group A was more difficult. The slow start of the later hot blooded team Nevím něco vymysli gave its other opponents a chance and thus, there were three teams in group B fighting to go through: Nevím něco vymysli, FC Pražský Mnichovice and OA Dušní. The results were known only at the end of the basic game part.

In the end the teams OA Dušní and FC Pražský Mnichovice held their ground. The modus determined that VŠFS will play with OA Dušní and SOŠ Jarov with FC Mnichovice in the semifinals. Despite a tough fight and brave performance of Daniel Lukáč, the best player of the VŠFS team, the team lost its game with OA Dušní 0:2. The second semifinals was won convincingly by FC Pražský Mnichovice with a score of 2:0. The third place of the VŠFS team meant a great satisfaction and celebrations after its last year’s last-but-one placement. The game for the third place was fought till the very end and the VŠFS team won the bronz medal thanks to its willpower. The finals presented very good football in which FC Mnichovice scored three goals and rightfully listened to the champions‘ hymn.

In conclusion we would like to thank to all the teams for their participation and excellent sport performance. We also give thanks to all the partners for sponsorship gifts and their personal participation. Many thanks to all our colleagues for their organizational work and to our university for the support. We would like to invite all not only to the third annual football tournament but to other VŠFS sporting activities. See our web pages, notice boards and facebook. The best of luck in sport, especially football:)

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