III. Investment forum

III. Investment forum


VŠFS and the Investment Web have organized the third Investment Forum for the large public. On Sunday, January 12, the participants of individual discussions looked for the best investments in 2013. An extraordinary impressive introductory part focused on the macroeconomic projects for the year 2013. Among the speakers there was Jaroslav Šindel, the main economist of Citibank, Martin Kupka, the main analyst of ČSOB, David Navrátil, the main economist of ČS and Petr Budinský, pro-rector of VŠFS. The speakers agreed on the opinion that neither Eurozone nor the Czech Republic have overcome the crisis yet, even though, thanks to the measures of the European Central Bank, the situation in Eurozone at least partly calmed down. As for the Czech Republic, the situation is more contradictory because, as noted by the prorector Budinský, „low revenues of obligations which enable cheap financing in the ČR, are positive, however, the growing unemployment and economy slump is negative.“

The second discussion part focused on the topic of shares. The discussing participants agreed on the opinion that in 2013 shares might possibly grow. The discussions mainly concerned the situation in the CR, where it is especially dividend shares offering new possibilities. The third discussion part based on the conclusions of the previous parts and developed an ideal portfolio for 2013.
Visitors of the Investment Forum could notice a wide spectrum of opinions in the fourth part which concerned investments into commodities. This is an area which requires a higher level of financial knowledge and experience. The experts predicted a favourable development in the markets of gold, oil or some food commodities.

The whole-day forum showed potential even in alternative investments. The speakers focused on modern art and diamonds.

The third investment forum attracted not only a range of experts but it boasted about an extraordinary interest of public. Despite the fact that it was held on Saturday, visitors filled up the center of Anton Siekel in the seat of the university. The Investment Web and VŠFS promise to organize another meeting around the mid of June.