V nouzi poznáš přítele!

V nouzi poznáš přítele!


Naše partnerská univerzita z Číny udělala krásné gesto.

Dnes krátce po poledni otevřela rektorka naší univerzity Bohuslava Šenkýřová e-mail od prezidenta Song Mingshun z China Jiliang University, s níž spolupracujeme na projektu Konfuciova institutu. Oznámil jí, že nám jejich univerzita věnuje z vlastních zásob 150 ochranných masek (a další zajistí příští týden) pro zaměstnance VŠFS.

Velice nás to potěšilo a rádi zveřejňujeme e-mail pana prezidenta i odpověď naší rektorky.


Dear Rector Ms. Senkyrova,

We are very sorry to know that there are about 400 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Czech Republic and your university has suspended face-to-face teaching temporarily.

Our hearts and thoughts are always with you, especially during this critical moment. As the situation develops, certain medical supplies for self-protection may be out of stock. To combat the virus spreading more effectively, we are sending you some masks in hope that they help keep you all safer.

As the masks with CE certification are out of stock in our university at present, we have sent the only remaining 150 masks to Vice Rector Petr today. And we will send you more masks during this weekend when our new order of masks is delivered. We hope this small gesture will be helpful to you and your staff.

We are looking forward to meeting you again when the COVID-19 is conquered.

Wish you good health and happy life.

Best regards,
Song Mingshun
China Jiliang University


Dear friends!

Thank you very much for your great help and offer, which I really appreciate. We can confirm that  the masks and self-protection supplies are out of stock these days. Your gift is precious to us. I will distribute masks to my colleagues at the university. I believe that situation will improve soon and we will return to our normal work. I think of you in China almost all the time. You are an excellent example how to successfully fight and win the battle over Covid-19.

With respect

Bohuslava Šenkýřová
rector VŠFS


Prezident China Jiliang University Song Mingshun a rektorka VŠFS Bohuslava Šenkýřová.